Dylan Cole
Writer | Producer | Performer

The Moon in Me
Astrology - Fact or Fiction?
"A performance worth of an Academy award!" - TalkFringe.com
“Amazingly clever and kind of mind blowing” – The Advertiser
For 365 days, comedian Dylan Cole poured over his horoscopes hoping to find accurate predictions of his future. He found nothing. His horoscopes failed to predict his parents’ separation, his own engagement, even failed to predict the death of Cole’s his best friend.
In the horoscopes Cole discovered rephrased and reprinted predictions, ones that were full of errors, contradictions and confusing metaphors further fuelling the thought that Astrology is fictional ramblings.
As the days ticked by, he uncovered secret messages, patterns and strange parallels hidden in the text. He uncovered evidence that forced him to question his own beliefs